Two (2) reserve items can be checked out at one time. Items must be returned before you can check out additional reserve materials. This ensures equal access to the reserve materials by all students of the class.
Reserve items with 2 hour or 4 hour loan periods may be renewed if they are not in high demand. Renewals are not allowed for reserve items that have 1 day, 3 day, or 7 day loan periods. You must wait one day after returning a reserve item before checking it out again. This allows everyone in a class to have access to the materials.
The instructor who placed the item on reserve may extend the loan period. The instructor should contact the Course Reserves Unit by phone or email to indicate that a specific student has permission to check out a reserve item for longer than the normal loan period.
If you are the instructor of the class, you choose the password and it is submitted along with the other reserve materials. If you are a student, your instructor gives the password to you. If you have lost your password, you must contact your instructor. Library staff cannot give out e-reserve passwords.
There are books on reserve that can be found in the online catalog (, click on the “Search anything” search-bar at the top of the page. From the drop down search options, change “GIL-Find” to “Course Reserves.” Search for “POLTEST.” This search will return a list of the study materials available for the Georgia Constitution test, including Georgia’s Constitution and Government (6th ed.). Georgia's Constitution and Government (6th ed.) is available both in print and online. Additional study guide information can be found on the Libraries' FAQ pages and on the School of Public & International Affairs website.
Processing times vary throughout the year depending on the current workload of the Course Reserves Unit. The first 3-4 weeks of each semester, usually the busiest times of the year, are when a backlog of requests is most likely. To ensure that a list is processed before classes begin, we recommend that you submit your list at least 2 weeks before the first day of class. Processing times can be dependent on the types of materials requested. For example, if an item that has been requested for reserve is currently checked out, we must wait for its return before we can process it. If the library does not own the requested item, it must be purchased before we can place it on reserve.