Services for Faculty

As a 21st century library, our more than 4.6 million volumes are only a fraction of the assets that we collect, preserve and provide to researchers, scholars and students on our campus and around the world. The University of Georgia Libraries act as a gateway to knowledge that can help us all better understand our world and drive solutions to its grand challenges. 

As librarians, archivists, and professional staff, we illuminate paths of learning. We teach thousands of students each year, guiding them daily in their pursuit of knowledge. We partner with faculty to support research and instruction and connect community members, from elementary school students to retirees, with history and scholarship.  We broaden perspectives through scholarly and literary publishing and serve our state by sustaining public access to valuable resources.

Here to Help

Our librarians are here to help you meet your research and instruction goals. In addition to helping you and your students connect to knowledge, we teach classes on finding and evaluating sources, citation management, and other skills. 

Need something else? Suggest items to add to our collections or take advantage of our Interlibrary Loan service to borrow materials from across the world. 

Faculty Services

Faculty member in the MLC reading roomResearch Materials: Through our GIL-Find Catalog, you can access our books, plus audio-visual materials, maps, special collections materials, and more. We also have hundreds of article and other databases. If you need assistance with finding research materials or information, our librarians can help. We can also send you PDFs of print journal articles or book chapters held by the Libraries and deliver books and bound periodicals to your department on the Athens campus. 

Course Materials: Our librarians can help you find and reserve supplemental reading material for your courses. We can set aside books for your students or scan chapters and journal articles into eLC. In addition, we can help with open educational resources and copyright questions

Special Collections: In addition to finding primary source material for your research or your class sessions, consider applying to become a Special Collections Libraries Faculty Teaching Fellow, where you can work with our archivists to design active learning archives-based courses.

Research Data and Publishing Services: Research and Computational Data Management resources and support for UGA faculty and student research, including assistance with research data management planning; data discovery, access, and collection; data storage, analysis, and visualization; publishing, copyright, and digital preservation. This includes support for Open Access publishing for UGA-affiliated authors, with full fee coverage for most Cambridge University Press and Wiley journals and discounts with BioMedCentral and MDPI.

Special Tools: Learn how to use browser plugins like LibKey Nomad for full-text, off-campus access to articles and your favorite journals. Take advantage of EndNote and RefWorks for citations. And learn about how our tech at the Makerspace and Data Studio @ Main can help you and your students take projects to the next level.

Faculty Retirees: As a retiree, you continue to have the same faculty borrowing privileges and off-campus database access you had as an active employee. To log into our databases from off campus, use your UGA MyID and password. 

Student Services

Students work together in a library class

Make sure your students know about our resources and study spots. They can chat with a librarian in person or online. Send them to for more info.

Follow us at @ugalibs.