Outside Borrowers
Access to the Main Library and the McBay Science Library after 6:00pm is open to those with a UGA or other College ID only.
Borrowing Privileges - Individuals over the age of 18, who are not affiliated with the University, may borrow print materials from the UGA Libraries by obtaining an Outside Borrower's card through their local public library. UGA has agreements with many regional public libraries throughout the state for this purpose. To apply for an Outside Borrower's card, first check with your local public library to determine if that institution is a participant in the Outside Borrower's program. If the public library is a participant in the program, then go to the public library to request and complete the application form, including signing the statement of responsibility.
There is a $10.00 user’s fee. The user fee is non-refundable. Payment can be made with a check or a debit/credit card. The borrower should present the completed application and pay the $10 user fee in person directly to the UGA Main Library's Circulation Office.
An Outside Borrower's card is issued initially for three months and may be renewed as long as no outstanding obligations exist. After a year, Outside Borrower's cards are renewed for 1 year at a time as long as no outstanding obligations exist.
The borrower's card is nontransferable and must be accompanied by a current, government-issued picture ID - such as (but not limited to) a driver's license, Georgia ID card, US passport, or US military ID - to charge out items.
Requests for renewal of this card may be made through the mail, email, by telephone, or in person during most hours the Libraries are open. A new application form does not need to be completed, nor does the application fee need to be paid again unless the borrower's card has lapsed for 1 year or longer.
Outside Borrowers are not eligible for remote access to the Libraries' online resources, Interlibrary Loan, or borrowing from Reserves, Reference, or other restricted library collections.
Loan Period - Most books have a loan period of 28 days. The Leisure Collection circulates for 14 days. Outside Borrowers can check out 5 books at a time. There are 2 automatic renewals for most items. After the 2 automatic renewals, books may be brought to the Circulation Desk at the Main Library to be discharged and borrowed again. There is no limit on the number of times an item may be borrowed as long as no one else has requested it. The borrower is responsible for all items checked out in his/her name until those items are discharged and cleared from the library account.
Notices - Library notices including courtesy notices, overdue notices, lost/damaged items bills are sent by email. These notices are sent as a courtesy. Failure to receive a notice does not absolve the borrower from responsibility for payment of library fines/fees. The patron is responsible for notifying the User Services Department of any address changes.
Lost and Damaged Items - A patron who suspects that an item checked out in his/her name has been lost should report it as soon as possible to the User Services Department. A patron who loses an item is responsible for reimbursing the Libraries for the replacement cost and any fines accrued. Books are marked Lost after being overdue for 60 days.
Patrons are responsible for the items that they have checked out. Damaged items will be assessed by library staff. Any costs for repair or replacement of damaged items will be billed to the borrower. Fines and fees may be paid in person at the Main Library with a check or debit/credit card.
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