User Services
The User Services Department provides a variety of core library services from multiple locations. These services include Circulation, Course Reserves, Shelving, and Stacks Management. User Services staff manage service points at the Main Library, the McBay Science Libraries, the Media Collection in the Main Library, and the UGA Libraries' off-site Repository. The Art Library at Lamar Dodd, the Curriculum Materials Library at Aderhold Hall, and the Music Library at the Hugh Hodgson School of Music house circulating book collections and physical course reserves for their departments. These libraries, along with the Main and McBay Science Libraries and the Carnegie Library Learning Center, are pick up locations for GIL Express and the UGA Libraries' retrieval and delivery services.
Visitors are welcome at all UGA Libraries' locations during daytime business hours.
Access to the Main Library and the McBay Science Library after 6:00pm is open to those with a UGA or other College ID only.
Main LibraryCirculation
Course Reserves
Media Collection
McBay Science LibraryCirculation
Course Reserves