City directories generally contain alphabetical listings of a city's residents (often including address, occupation and other household information) and businesses. MAGIL collects city directories for many cities in Georgia. Our holdings vary by city - search the UGA Libraries' catalog to identify what's in our collection. Directories may have been published by different companies, so there may be more than one catalog record for a given city.
Older city directories (pre-1900) are located in the Hargrett Rare Book and Manuscript Library's Rare Books unit in the Russell Special Collections Building. That collection holds approximately seventy 19th-century directories from seven Georgia cities: Athens, Atlanta, Augusta, Columbus, Savannah, Americus, and Brunswick.
Some older city directories for Athens and Atlanta may also be found in the Digital Library of Georgia.
Researchers who are not able to conduct research in city directories on-site are encouraged to contact an independent researcher. UGA Libraries maintains a list of Independent Researchers for Hire who are willing to conduct research for a fee.