The Map and Government Information Library's collections include U.S., Georgia, United Nations and international documents, as well as a research-level collection of cartographic materials, including maps, atlases and aerial photography. Please note that each collection is shelved by a classification or filing system that is unique to that collection and not necessarily by the Library of Congress Classification System used in the rest of the University of Georgia Libraries.
Indexes and catalogs for the various government documents collections are located in the Map and Government Information Library. In addition, several online indexes and other resources for government information research, including United Nations, Canadian, and U.S. government information are available through select GALILEO@UGA databases (UGA MyID is required for off-campus access).
Many Map and Government Information Library materials circulate for standard loan periods. Some materials do not circulate; please visit our Borrowing Policies page or contact a Map and Government Information Library staff member for further information.