Previous Events
Preserving the Best of Public Media from the George Foster Peabody Awards
Learn about the project to preserve thousands of public radio and television programs submitted to the George Foster Peabody Awards!
Some 4,000 hours of public radio and television programming submitted to the George Foster Peabody Awards between 1941-1999 are being digitized, preserved and will be made available to the public!
Closing Event: An Education in Georgia: Looking toward the Future
To wrap up the 60th anniversary desegregation campus-wide reading event for An Education in Georgia: Charlayne Hunter, Hamilton Holmes, and the Integration of the University of Georgia (UGA Press), Mary Frances Early, music educator, writer, and the first African-American graduate student to graduate from UGA, and Phaidra Buchanan, current undergraduate majoring in social studies education and minoring in German, Foundation Fellow, and UGA's first African-American Rhodes scholar (2021), will be in conversation with moderator Cynthia Dillard, Mary Frances Early Endowed
Panel Discussion: Lillian Smith: Anti-Racist Ally
“Lillian Smith was one of the first white southern authors to speak out publicly against the evils of segregation. She was shamed, ridiculed and silenced for her beliefs. She couldn't look away. She never gave up.”
Film Screening: Lillian Smith: Breaking the Silence
“Lillian Smith was one of the first white southern authors to speak out publicly against the evils of segregation. She was shamed, ridiculed and silenced for her beliefs. She couldn't look away. She never gave up.”
Book Discussion: Rap on Trial
Join the Hargrett Rare Book and Manuscript Library for a virtual discussion of the book Rap on Trial: Race, Lyrics, and Guilt in America with co-author Andrea L. Dennis.
Kick-off Event: An Education in Georgia: Then and Now
To kick off the campus-wide reading event to celebrate the 60th anniversary of desegregation at the University of Georgia, UGA alumna Charlayne Hunter-Gault will participate in a conversation with longtime New Yorker columnist and author Calvin Trillin to discuss his book An Education in Georgia: Charlayne Hunter, Hamilton Holmes, and the Integration of the University of Georgia (UGA Press).
Virtual Panel Discussion: The Hargrett Hours
Join the Hargrett Rare Book and Manuscript Library for a virtual panel discussion on the new exhibit, The Hargrett Hours: Exploring Medieval Manuscripts.
Virtual Film Screening: Signing Black in America
Join us for the annual celebration of ASALH's founder, the historian and educator Carter G. Woodson
Library at a Distance: The Basics Online
Join librarians to learn how to access and use services and resources while at a distance. Topics covered will include: the library catalog (including e-books), research by subject, Multi-Search, optimizing Google Scholar, and citation managers EndNote & RefWorks. Services for distance education students will also be covered. There will be time for questions. A resource guide will complement and provide additional tutorials for more in-depth library instruction.
Register in advance for this meeting:
Inaugural Food, Power and Politics Lecture: Dr. Marion Nestle
Dr. Marion Nestle is the Paulette Goddard Professor Emerita of nutrition, food studies and public health at New York University. She is also a consumer advocate, nutritionist and author of six award-winning books. Nestle’s research examines scientific and socioeconomic influences on food choice, obesity and food safety, with an emphasis on the role of food marketing. Among her recent honors are the John Dewey Award for Distinguished Public Service from Bard College and the Public Health Hero Award from the University of California School of Public Health at Berkeley.