Previous Events
Virtual Exhibit Tour: Sign of the Times
Historically the American political poster has been sorely neglected as an art form and has played a minor cultural role despite its effectiveness in conveying a political message to millions of voters often through the skillful use of visual communication. Join the Richard B.
Florentine Films Panel Discussion
Part detective, part historian, archival researchers find the audiovisual traces of history that help documentary filmmakers bring history to life. If you're a history buff, you've probably watched documentaries featuring archival photographs and film. But how do the pieces of the puzzle come together to make a documentary? More importantly, where do those puzzle pieces come from? The Walter J.
GIS Workshop 2: Georeferencing Images
Do you have a historical map you’d like to overlay with a modern one? Or an air photo you’d like to match to today’s landscape? We’ll use QGIS to do just that.
2020 Lillian Smith Book Awards
The 2020 Lillian Smith Book Awards ceremony will be held virtually on Sunday September 6, 2020 at 2:00PM as part of the annual AJC Decatur Book Festival, one of the largest independent book festivals in the country. Registration is free and available now through Eventbrite.
GIS Workshop 1: Turn Data into a Map
We’ll use QGIS to combine tables with available geometry to turn make a map.
EndNote for Macs
Citation management tools like EndNote can help you integrate research into your papers, organize your notes on different readings, and create accurate citations. They make your work more efficient, but they also archive your notes so that you can build on your research over the years. The example screens for this session will show the Mac version. While all the features are the same as the PC version, the layout and look will be a bit different.
Library Orientation for Humanities Graduate Students
The UGA Libraries would like to welcome graduate students to campus with introductions to our research resources.
Virtual Exhibit Tour: The Strategies of Suffrage
On August 26, 1920 the 19th Amendment was certified by the U.S. Secretary of State and women achieved the right to vote throughout the United States. Join the Hargrett Rare Book and Manuscript Library in celebrating the 100th anniversary of this event with a virtual tour of the exhibit "The Strategies of Suffrage: Mobilizing a Nation for Women's Rights" on Wednesday, August 26th at 2:00 p.m. The event will be streamed live on our Facebook page. This event is free and open to the public. For more information email