The Curriculum Materials Library has a vast collection of children’s and Young Adult literature, as well as:
The Aaron Collection is composed of Dr. Aaron’s personal library of award-winning children’s and Young Adult literature from the United States, Canada, Great Britain, Australia and New Zealand. Through a generous endowment left by Dr. Aaron, the Curriculum Materials Library is able to continue to expand his original collection showcasing current award-winning works in children’s and Young Adult literature. The CML is honored to have his collection and proud to continue to share his legacy.
Dr. Aaron served on the faculty of the College of Education at the University of Georgia from 1948-1985. During that time he helped to start the reading education program. He was also the founder of the Reading Clinic, which still remains as one of the oldest reading clinics in the United States. The clinic opened in 1956 with a focus on first grade through high school students. He also co-reviewed award winning children’s books from around the world. Dr. Aaron strongly believed: “Children’s books should be a vital part of any reading instructional program”*.
*Jerrolds, B. W. (1988). Leaders in Reading Research and Instruction: An Interview with Ira E. Aaron. Reading Psychology, 9(1), 51-57.