
Gallery Tour

Join one of our newly trained student docents for a public tour! This free tour begins in the second-floor rotunda and covers all three galleries, including Hargrett Library's St. Catherine's Island exhibit. Free parking for off campus visitors is available in the Hull Street Deck. 

Gallery Tour

Join one of our newly trained student docents for a public tour! This free tour begins in the second-floor rotunda and covers all three galleries, including Hargrett Library's St. Catherine's Island exhibit. Free parking for off campus visitors is available in the Hull Street Deck. 

Spotlight x Spotlight Ecologies // Sea Sound Seen: Peter Van Zandt Lane, Dana Montlack, and Felicia Zamora

Join us for aqueous work from an award-winning poet and distinguished composer. Peter Van Zandt Lane will give a presentation on his current composition project, Thresholds, a work for orchestra and electronics that incorporates data sonification from the Georgia Coastal Ecologies Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) site and is supported by a grant from the Georgia Sea Grant Artists Program.

The Genius of Phillis Wheatley Peters: A Children's Literature and Family Literacy Panel

The Georgia Humanities Council and the Athens-Clarke County Library are proud to present a webinar on representations of Phillis Wheatley Peters in children’s literature, children’s historical texts, and picture books addressing issues pertinent to parents, librarians, and elementary/middle school educators. Speakers featured are Brigitte Fielder, Nicole Cooke, and JoAnn Wood, moderated by Margaret Robbins.