The University Libraries provide collections and services in support of the instruction, research, and service missions of the University of Georgia community. All patrons to the University Libraries have the right to expect a safe, pleasant, and productive environment for research and study. Libraries’ users are expected to abide by the rules included in the University of Georgia Code of Conduct. Expressive activities must comply with UGA's Freedom of Expression Policy. An extension of these ideals is reflected in this Conduct Policy.
All patrons to the University Libraries are expected to be courteous to Libraries’ employees and comply with the conduct policies and with any other directions employees deem necessary to maintain the safety of all visitors. Failure to comply with staff requests, directions, or instructions may result in loss of privileges, including removal from the building.
Public hours at UGA Libraries facilities end at 6 p.m. at Main and McBay Science Libraries and 9 p.m. at the Miller Learning Center. Guests (those who are not affiliated with UGA) must register to enter the Main Library during public hours. Members of the UGA community (students, faculty, staff) and other students with valid college ID must present their IDs to enter after public hours.
Activities listed below are examples of unacceptable behavior. Violations of the Conduct Policy include, but are not limited to, those activities.
When using Libraries’ facilities, conduct violations include:
When using Libraries’ materials, conduct violations include:
Individuals or groups who do not follow these guidelines outlined in this Conduct Policy may be accountable to both civil authorities (city, state, or federal) and to The University of Georgia.