The Finance and Accounting Unit is responsible for administering the travel budget; monitoring and reconciling the student budget; monitoring and reconciling the Libraries' general, restricted and Foundation accounts; coordinating accounts expenditures and reimbursements; the Accounts Receivable and Payable functions for the Libraries and Copy Services.
Copy Services is available to assist Libraries' personnel with in-house copying and binding needs. Please contact Libraries Copy Services at or 542-0609.
The Libraries Finance and Accounting Unit prepares annual budget documents, prepares employee personnel documents and budget amendments; analyzes and reconciles account expenditures and balances; pays expenses for various Libraries’ departments; and monitors and reviews Libraries' Foundation state, Restricted and Grant accounts and expenditures.
Travel and training expenditures related to faculty and staff training and development is a joint responsibility between the staff/faculty member and the Libraries. Individual staff/faculty are expected to take some financial responsibility for their own growth in knowledge and skill and also to take the initiative in identifying courses, workshops, conferences, and other educational, professional, or skills-oriented opportunities. Faculty/staff professional development is supported by the University Libraries through funding and/or release time from employment responsibilities.
Please email with questions regarding acquiring business cards.