The performance evaluation process is one of the most important tools we have to recognize and improve the contributions and skills of the individuals who make up our organization and to plan for our future success. The Board of Regents requires that a performance evaluation form and conference be completed by the employee's immediate supervisor annually for the period from January 1 through December 31, except where performance requires more frequent review or when job responsibilities change substantially. All evaluation forms are subject to Georgia Open Records.
Completion of the performance evaluation process serves the following purposes:
The performance evaluation process begins at the time of hire or the beginning of the evaluation cycle from January 1 to December 31. Supervisors should meet with all reports to review their detailed position description and job-related expectations.
As of January 1, 2025, annual classified staff evaluations are administered via PEP. During this annual cycle, employees and supervisors should review and update position descriptions as well. New staff hires are also subject to the Libraries' 6 month probationary evaluation process.
Faculty performance evaluations utilize the faculty performance form. By mid spring each year, a signed faculty performance form, PEP report, and updated position description are due to Libraries HR.
Performance Ratings Guidelines may assist faculty supervisors in completing this form.
Faculty or staff may submit a rebuttal/response to their supervisor regarding their evaluation within 10 working days of the evaluation meeting. If a rebuttal/response is received, the supervisor must acknowledge receipt in writing within 10 days, noting if the rebuttal/response led to any changes.
All employees have the option to anonymously communicate about the performance of supervisors in their administrative chain using the Supervisor Review Form. This information is advisory in nature, and is routed to the supervisor's supervisor. The purpose of this process is to provide another perspective that may inform the evaluation of the supervisor being reviewed. The content of this feedback will not be directly shared with the supervisor being reviewed.
New Staff:
All newly hired classified staff employees are required to serve the first 180 calendar days of work at the University on a probationary basis. A probationary evaluation is mandatory. Probationary evaluation forms are sent to the department head for review and then forwarded to the Libraries' Human Resources department. The completed probationary evaluation form becomes part of the employee's permanent personnel file.
Transferred/Promoted Staff:
A six-month evaluation for transferred/promoted employees is not mandatory under University or Libraries guidelines. The Libraries, however, encourages a six-month evaluation as it creates an opportunity for communication between the employee and the supervisor regarding the employee's progress. Since this evaluation is not part of the employee's permanent personnel file, after department head review the evaluation is kept in departmental files. Employees who are transferred/promoted do not serve another six-month probationary evaluation period.
A monthly/bimonthly evaluation of new employees is not mandatory under University or Libraries guidelines. The Libraries, however, encourages a monthly evaluation as it creates an opportunity for communication between the employee and the supervisor regarding the employee's progress prior to the mandatory 180 calendar days probationary evaluation. Likewise, a bimonthly evaluation is suggested for transferred/promoted employees on a bimonthly process at the second and fourth months. Since the monthly/bimonthly evaluation is not part of the personnel file, after department head review the evaluation is kept in departmental files.
If a faculty or staff member receives a rating of 'Does not meet expectations' or 'Needs improvement,' a PRP must be developed that includes the following characteristics:
UGA's Performance Evaluation of Classified Employees
Regents Academic Affairs Handbook