Leisure Reading

Looking for something fun to read? Check out our Leisure Reading Collections to browse fiction, nonfiction, and graphic novels!


Main Library

On the 1st floor of the Main Library, when you enter the Coffee & Bagels shop, you'll find the Leisure Reading Collection in the back corner.

Here is a list of most of the fiction books in the Leisure Reading Collection at the Main Library.

Leisure Reading Collection at the Main Library


McBay Science Library

When you enter the McBay Science Library, keep walking straight ahead to the other side of the floor. The Leisure Collection is located next to the windows that are opposite the entrance.

Here is a list of most of the fiction books in the Leisure Reading Collection at the McBay Science Library.

Leisure Reading Collection at the McBay Science Library


Additional Resources

The UGA Libraries have many more "fun" (unrelated to coursework) fiction and nonfiction books in our collection of over 5 million books, including titles you can read online as an ebook. If you would like help with finding your next fun read, the UGA Librarians are here to help! Chat with us online.

NoveList is a tool to help you discover new books and authors based on books you've liked, favorite authors, or topics of interest. NoveList helps you explore and discover the world of fiction!